
My Neovim configuration.

I’ve been using Vim as my main editor for quite a while; Going through the SQL dump of a an ancient blog of mine, I ran into a statement for inserting data in the blog_post, title: "Going Vim", date: "2004-11-25 12:05".

After running vimtutor, I fairly quickly switched to the GUI version of Vim (GVim, I was on Windows at the time); I found the font rendering to be better, it had nicer color schemes and the default copypaste actions just worked out-of-the-box.

When I switched to MacOS, I ran MacVim up until the end of 2020. And then I switched to Neovim almost overnight and haven’t regretted it yet. Even if I don’t have the normal copypaste action like I would like it…​ yet. I cleaned and tweaked my config accordingly, removing settings that Neovim has set by default. So do be aware that this configuration has only ever really been run on Mac Neovim.


My dotfiles.

I rely on Bash and the usual command line tools and started putting my preferences in git around 2013. I switch to a 1 shell + tmux flow every now and again, but I used to always go back to MacVim + iTerm2, up until end 2020, when I fully switched to Neovim. A little while after that, I replaced iTerm2 with Kitty.

The installation of Tilde is managed by Stow


Fixit plugin for Neovim.

Fixit is a small Neovim plugin written in Lua to get myself a bit acquainted with Lua, Treesitter etc…​ Basically Fixit uses Treesitter to go through the document in the current buffer and parses out comments that have TODO’s, FIXME’s and similar tokens in them. It can list them up in the Neovim’s quickfix window or in the window of the Trouble plugin.


Basically a Bash script for installing my MacBook.

Since I’m getting a bit more familiar with Ansible, this will probably be replaced by some playbooks.


PHP Code collection, geared towards developing with Fork CMS.

Knife isn’t maintained anymore, the repo is archived.

Raspberry PI

Using small computers as home servers and media players.

I bought a 4B in 2019, installed Samba, Apache, Transmission daemon, amongst other things, and it runs in the home network as a basic server. Another RPI (an older B+ model) has Kodi installed via LibreELEC and is quite capable of 1080p playback without hick-ups. If we ever buy a new television, I’ll replace it with a model that can handle 4K of course, but for now, this works quite well.

The Socials

I’m on some social media networks.

Places you might find me: